Tax Bill

Tax Bill Mismatched to Our Economic Needs

Will Colorado stick with the same ideology that spawned the GOP tax plan, or will we finally decide to pursue progressive tax policies that ensure economic mobility for every Coloradan?

Taxman Podcast

About That “Taxman” Podcast…

"The Taxman" podcast by CPR is a Rorschach test: For those who know about TABOR’s perils, it affirms their opposition, and to those who support it, the piece serves to strengthen their view of anti-tax activists.  

I voted" stickers on a metal surface, symbolizing participation in the election guided by the 2016 Ballot Guide.

2016 Ballot Guide

Each election cycle, we examine the statewide ballot measures and make recommendations based on the values that drive our work. Here is our take on 2016 ballot measures.

Infographic outlining "Understanding Colorado's Fiscal Challenges in 14 Charts" by the Bell Policy Center, detailing economic and budget issues related to TABOR.

Understanding Colorado’s Fiscal Challenges in 14 Charts

We've created 14 charts to better explain the fiscal challenges Colorado faces.

Infographic introducing Colorado's fiscal challenges and economy through 12 charts by the Bell Policy Center.

Colorado’s Fiscal Challenges in 12 Charts

Want to better understand how Colorado's budget works? Here are 12 charts to help navigate current imbalances and trends in Colorado's fiscal policy.

Wooden signposts depicting a metaphor for Colorado's economic status with arrows pointing in opposite directions labeled "boom" and "bust," under the title "Colorado Budget Explanation in Plain Talk.

Colorado’s Budget: In Plain Talk

Learn the basics about Colorado's budget.

Scrabble tiles spelling 'tax' on a background of US dollar bills and a map of Colorado.

Undocumented Immigrants in Colorado: What They Cost, What They Pay

"This analysis clearly shows claims that undocumented immigrants are the cause of our budget problems are way off base," said Rich Jones, director of policy and research.


Understanding Referendum C

Due to the "ratchet effect" caused by the TABOR amendment, a bipartisan compromise was created, called Referenda C and D. This is what to know about Referendum C, which Colorado voters approved.

A row of similar doors against a patterned wall with one door painted yellow, standing out from the rest, highlighted in the 2005 Opportunity Report.

2005 Opportunity Report

What is opportunity? How is it generated and sustained in the 21st century? In this 2005 iteration of "Colorado: The State of Opportunity," the Bell seeks to answer these questions and more.

Assorted metal gears of various sizes and shapes interlocked on a surface, coinciding with the 2002 Opportunity Report.

2002 Opportunity Report

In the first edition of "Colorado: The State of Opportunity," we introduce the Cycle of Opportunity and show how, for most Americans, success requires a series of steps that build on one another and accumulate over a lifetime of effort.

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