Initiatives 50 and 108: Don’t Believe the Hype about these Destructive Measures

Proponents are offering a highly manipulated picture of Colorado's property tax landscape. We deconstruct their arguments.

Colorado’s Proposed Initiative 50: Return of the Negative Factor

If Initiative 50 were to pass at the ballot in November, the state will face K-12 education funding trouble.

Illustration of woman voting

Local Elections in Colorado a Mixed Bag for Economic Mobility Issues

While most of the 2023 Colorado election headlines focused on Proposition HH, many important local issues were also on the...

A magnifying glass scrutinizes a hundred-dollar bill against a backdrop with a warning message about Initiative 50.

Don’t Be Fooled: Initiative 50 is not the answer

Initiative 50 is the wrong direction for Colorado. It's the typical snake oil from the usual suspects.

Proposition HH is not a tax rate increase.

Questions and Answers On Proposition HH

The Bell explores this measure, which will be on the November ballot

Debt-ridden gummy bear submerged in liquid with bubbles, creating a split view above and below the surface.

Debt & Lending Landscape in Colorado

A comprehensive examination of debt in Colorado assessing historical trends and the unequal distribution of debt across demographic and geographic lines.

A collage comprising various financial elements, including a check, cash, tax documents, educational references, and a section dedicated to Colorado TABOR rebates, arranged on a textured background.

TABOR Rebate History

As Colorado is in the midst of historic TABOR rebates, it is important to understand the larger context and how lawfully collected tax revenue has historically been used.

colorado's economy

Colorado’s Economy: Strong Yet Uneven

While Colorado's economy may be strong, uneven growth throughout the state, an uptick in low-wage jobs and industries, and continued wealth and income inequality mean not everyone is benefitting.

colorado public investments

On The Chopping Block: Colorado Public Investments

Today, the share of Colorado’s economy invested in public services aimed at expanding opportunity is a smaller portion than at almost any time in the past 40 years.

Colorado's demographics

Colorado’s Demographics: An Older, More Diverse State

Because Colorado's demographics affect so much of how our state operates, it’s imperative to recognize how these elements play into the vision of economic opportunity.

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