Search Results for: opportunity

Total posts found - 121
Silhouette of a person standing between curtains with a cycle of opportunity backlighting effect.

Cycle of Opportunity

The Bell Policy Center first introduced the Cycle of Opportunity concept in 2002 to illustrate how we believe opportunity is created and sustained in the 21st century.

Assorted metal gears of various sizes and shapes interlocked on a surface, coinciding with the 2002 Opportunity Report.

2002 Opportunity Report

In the first edition of "Colorado: The State of Opportunity," we introduce the Cycle of Opportunity and show how, for most Americans, success requires a series of steps that build on one another and accumulate over a lifetime of effort.

Historic Housing Barriers in Jefferson County

Historic housing barriers and systems have limited homeownership options for BIPOC families in Jeffco. Learn about what can be done to address these inequities and improve their ability to build generational wealth.

Colorado Legislature’s 2024 Housing Solutions and their Impact on Jeffco

A closer look at a few important bills and possible consequences in Jefferson County as a result of several housing bills recently passed in the Colorado legislature.

Everything Starts with a Home

Affordable housing is intricately connected to pivotal kitchen table concerns, like education, health, and overall community stability.

TABOR makes balancing a budget more difficult. Illustration shows scale, dollar bills and paperwork. Colorado taxes and fiscal policy are shaped by the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

TABOR: Restrictive Tax Policy Limits Colorado’s Potential

The Taxpayers Bill of Rights, known as TABOR, is a constitutional amendment passed at the ballot in 1992. It has...

A monochromatic image overlaying a mountainous landscape with elements of US dollar bills and a TABOR surplus.

TABOR Surplus Outlook

Updated data on TABOR surpluses and how upcoming ballot measures will influence the distribution of funds, shaping the future of tax rebates in Colorado.

An artistic collage featuring a senior man looking towards the camera and a person in a beanie engrossed in reading about crime in Colorado, set against a backdrop of graphic patterns and flowers.

Responding to Crime in Colorado: A Focus on Economic Mobility and Community- Based Solutions

This report examines community-based initiatives working to reduce crime in Colorado and advance economic mobility for justice system-impacted individuals.

Caring Workforce Thumb

Caring Workforce Primer

Despite their importance, the caring workforce remains undervalued and without the tools to meet the growing need for care. This analysis provides the foundation for understanding the larger caring workforce, opportunities and challenges they face, and potential avenues for future research and analysis.

A collage depicting various aspects of society, including childcare, healthcare, architecture, and legislative session.

2022 Legislative Session Recap

With the 2022 legislative session at its end, we look back at the various storylines that emerged, the progress made, and what remains to be done.

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