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I voted" stickers on a metal surface, symbolizing participation in the election guided by the 2016 Ballot Guide.

2016 Ballot Guide

Each election cycle, we examine the statewide ballot measures and make recommendations based on the values that drive our work. Here is our take on 2016 ballot measures.

An empty lecture hall with rows of wooden seats, higher tuition costs noted on a blackboard at the front.

What’s Really Driving Higher Tuition Costs?

Tuition increases over the last several years have been primarily driven by significant reductions in state funding for public higher education.

A younger person offering informal caregiving through holding an elderly person's hand, providing comfort and support.

Informal Caregiving Costs Billions in Colorado & It’s Growing

Approximately 1 out of every 10 Coloradans is informally caring for an individual age 50 or older.

Graduates in caps and gowns celebrating the conclusion of the ASPIRE Colorado pilot program during a commencement ceremony.

Testimony: Support HB16-1196 for ASPIRE Colorado Pilot Program

Based on research, the college savings accounts that will be established through the pilot program authorized in HB16-1196 will help expand the number of Coloradans from low-to moderate-income families who enroll in and complete college.

A person's hand operating a traditional spinning wheel to twist fiber into yarn as part of an Apprenticeship Study.

Testimony: Support HB16-1287 for Apprenticeship Study

Expanding pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship opportunities is a win-win proposition for Colorado.

Two graduates in caps and gowns, benefiting from the Middle Class College Savings Act, embracing at a graduation ceremony.

Testimony: Support Middle Class College Savings Act

Increasing the deduction for families making less than $250,000 per year will boost their current savings and provide an incentive for modest-income families to begin saving for college.

A mother and her three children engaged in an outdoor arts and crafts activity as part of the Expand Pilot Program.

Testimony: Support SB16-022 to Expand CCCAP Cliff Effect Pilot Program

The “cliff effect” occurs when a modest increase in a family’s income puts them over the income limit for child care assistance and they lose all of their benefits.

Scrabble tiles spelling out "school," "learn," and "math" on a game board for a Colorado equivalency assessment.

Multiple High School Equivalency Assessment Options Needed in Colorado

There is a significant need for high school equivalency diplomas in the United States and Colorado. In Colorado, more than 340,000 adults are without one, representing about 10 percent of the state’s working-age population.

Colorado Preschool Program

Colorado Preschool Program is Effective & Should Be Expanded

High-quality preschool puts children on a path to success. It provides a positive start to school and is the first step on a journey that prepares students to reach their full potential.

colorado legislature

Report: Assessing Reading Ability Gaps in Colorado 3rd Graders

Children who are not proficient in third grade are less likely to be so in high school and less likely than their proficient counterparts to graduate from high school.

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