Search Results for: opportunity

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Technician undergoing training while monitoring advanced manufacturing equipment.

Future of Work: The Evolution of Education & Training

America’s education and skills-development system must change in order to meet the needs of our future economy and workforce, but can it?

Broken piggy bank with coins spilled out, symbolizing the urgency for the Colorado Secure Savings Plan debated in HB17-1290 testimony.

Testimony: Support HB17-1290 to Create Colorado Secure Savings Plan

In a 2016 study, we found almost 900,000 Colorado private sector workers in their prime working years are not participating in any type of retirement savings plans at work.

Woman working as a trusted nurse at a desk with headphones in an office environment.

Trusted Nurse Advice Drives Healthy Decisions

One of the little-known programs within Colorado’s Medicaid program is the Nurse Advice Line, a free service to Medicaid members provided by a team of nurses at Denver Health.

Red telephone handset with coiled cord on a white background, serving as a testimony to the Colorado Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Testimony: Preserve & Strengthen Colorado Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The most effective way to ensure that Coloradans are not hounded for debts they do not owe, have contested, or paid off is to require debt collectors meet a “proof of debt” standard before attempting any collection action.

income tax credit for child care, child care tax credit

Testimony: Support Extending Income Tax Credits for Child Care

Over time, Colorado has consistently been rated as a state where child care was least affordable for families. On average, in 2016 it cost $11,000 per year for a 4-year-old and nearly $15,000 for an infant in full-time, center-based child care.

Barber applying product to a client's hair in a salon with a mirror reflecting his image, fueled by big dreams and small loans.

Small Loans Fuel Big Dreams

“Some people don’t want to give you an opportunity. You have to build your own bridges.”

Rear view of a yellow school bus with an 'emergency door' sign, labeled for SB17-118 compliance, emphasizing greater transparency in private occupational schools.

Testimony: Support SB17-118 Greater Transparency on Private Occupational Schools

The bottom line is this: Coloradans need postsecondary training and credentials to enter or stay in the middle class.

Person resting head on table surrounded by a stack of books, overwhelmed by high student debt from attending a for-profit college.

For-Profit College Students: Low Completion, High Student Debt

Poor outcomes at for-profit schools are hitting low-income students and ethnic and racial minorities the hardest.

A simple stick figure with a quizzical expression and three red question marks above its head, encapsulating the "Answers We Need" theme of 2017.

Answers We Need in 2017

As the Bell Policy Center heads into 2017, we will remain committed to a strong and vibrant cycle of opportunity for all Coloradans. We’re adapting that commitment to new realities that require us to reframe the questions that drive our work.

Group of people, including children, holding a sign advocating for $12 minimum wage, gathered outdoors on a sunny day in 2016 highlights.

Highlights from 2016

In 2016, we made some great strides for opportunity in Colorado. Here is what we're most proud of.

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