Poverty Data Shows Who Would Benefit From a Child Tax Credit
Addressing and taking steps to reduce child poverty through a refundable credit will benefit Colorado’s children and families, while also creating a stronger, more equitable state.
Addressing and taking steps to reduce child poverty through a refundable credit will benefit Colorado’s children and families, while also creating a stronger, more equitable state.
Property taxes have been growing across the state, with legislators offering relief using the most available tools. However, we could better target relief through income tax and we could ensure adequate funding through alternative revenue sources.
The Colorado General Assembly’s nonpartisan staff on Tuesday released fiscal impact statements for three conservative property tax ballot measures and they show the state’s general fund budget would take a $3 billion hit if any of the measures were to succeed at the November ballot. That would be “about 15 percent” of the 2024-25 budget, according to the analyses.
Bell Policy Center Fellow Robin Kniech introduces her research plans, including contributing reflections and case studies to Colorado’s debate on addressing the housing crisis through land-use reforms.
Research by Robin Kniech, Bell Policy Center Fellow 2023-24 Robin Kniech is developing a case study and narrative work around...
Meet the Bell Policy Center's five Fellows and read their full biographies to learn about their work history, education, and life background.
A number of persistent myths about affordable housing can stand in the way of getting measures to pass that could decrease costs.
Learn how this board works to make recommendations to lawmakers on employment standards and market conditions.
The Bell Policy Center has launched a fellowship program that will advance game-changing research and conversations intended to further economic mobility and equity in Colorado.
Unlike many other states, Colorado does not have a “rainy day fund.” The state does have reserves that act as...