A younger person offering informal caregiving through holding an elderly person's hand, providing comfort and support.

Informal Caregiving Costs Billions in Colorado & It’s Growing

Approximately 1 out of every 10 Coloradans is informally caring for an individual age 50 or older.

Students studying in a large, well-lit library with wooden tables and shelves filled with books, many of whom are Post-Traditional Adult Students.

Post-Traditional Adult Students Key to Closing Colorado’s Skills Gap

Working-age adults already represent a substantial share of all undergraduates nationwide and are a key part of a demographic shift with important implications for how postsecondary education is structured and delivered.

Silhouette of a person standing between curtains with a cycle of opportunity backlighting effect.

Cycle of Opportunity

The Bell Policy Center first introduced the Cycle of Opportunity concept in 2002 to illustrate how we believe opportunity is created and sustained in the 21st century.

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