older adult working

Older Adults in Colorado’s Workforce

In a new brief, we explore the importance of older adults in the workforce and opportunities to bolster this part of Colorado's economy.

colorado retirement crisis, colorado low-income families

Colorado’s Retirement Crisis: Updated Data & Analysis

Nearly one million Colorado private sector employees in their prime working years don’t participate in a workplace retirement plan. Learn more with our latest data and analysis.

respite and private insurance

Respite Coverage & Private Insurance

This brief explores innovative solutions that can increase access to respite and help foster a healthier, more supportive, and robust Colorado.

universal portable benefits state scan

Universal Portable Benefits State Scan

Colorado has already taken some action to develop its own unique universal portable benefits system, but we can, and must, do more. Learning from other states can help.

long-term care workers colorado

Career Ladders for Long-Term Care Workers

Long-term care workers are often underpaid, under trained, and lacking important benefits and career advancement opportunities.

universal portable benefits, open to all workers

What Are Universal Portable Benefits?

It’s no longer a given workers will have access to the essential building blocks of economic mobility like quality health insurance, retirement savings options, or paid family and medical leave.

Teacher sitting contemplatively in an empty Colorado classroom.

What to Know About Colorado’s Caring Workforce

The people who care for and teach our kids and support the needs of our aging loved ones are as much a part of our economy as those who benefit from these services.

Gov. Polis signs Secure Savings

With Gov. Polis’ Signature, Saving for Retirement Just Got Easier

The Bell applauds the work of the legislature and state treasurer for taking this critical step toward finding a solution to Colorado’s retirement crisis.

Adult supervising three young children playing with toys at a round table as part of Colorado's Early Childhood Education workforce.

Caring for Our Caring Workforce: Strengthening Colorado’s ECE Workforce

What's being done and what can be done to strengthen Colorado's early childhood care and education workforce?

early childhood education workforce

Our Caring Workforce: Understanding Colorado’s Early Childhood Education Workers

High-quality early childhood education is crucial and not possible without supporting the educators who provide this care.

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