Primer on Recent Property Tax Reform

Over the past several years, Colorado has implemented a series of legislative actions to address rising property taxes, balancing relief efforts with the need to protect essential local services, particularly K-12 education, while introducing structural changes to stabilize future property tax revenue.

In The Know: Homestead Exemptions

Homestead exemptions are one of the few progressive options for reducing property taxes, providing a relatively greater benefit for homeowners of middle value property.

In The Know: Colorado’s Caring Workforce Tax Credit Is An Important Step Forward

Care workers in Colorado are underpaid, which has led to high turnover. HB24-1312 provides them with a refundable tax credit of $1,200.

Initiatives 50 and 108: Don’t Believe the Hype about these Destructive Measures

Proponents are offering a highly manipulated picture of Colorado's property tax landscape. We deconstruct their arguments.

Graphic of neighbor helping take out trash.

Financial Empowerment Among Colorado’s Informal Caregivers

Financial empowerment among caregivers is a critical issue that determines the well-being of informal caregivers in Colorado who provide care across the lifespan to the young and older Coloradans.

Historic Housing Barriers in Jefferson County

Historic housing barriers and systems have limited homeownership options for BIPOC families in Jeffco. Learn about what can be done to address these inequities and improve their ability to build generational wealth.

Liz Kistler: The Many Faces of Jeffco’s Affordable Housing Crisis

This blog series gives insight into how a range of individuals are experiencing Jeffco’s affordable housing crisis.

Initiative 108 Would Force $3 billion in Cuts in Colorado

$3 billion equates to over 18 percent of the state's FY 2024-2025 General Fund budget. No matter the selected path, Initiative 108 forces impossible choices on the state.

Colorado Legislature’s 2024 Housing Solutions and their Impact on Jeffco

A closer look at a few important bills and possible consequences in Jefferson County as a result of several housing bills recently passed in the Colorado legislature.

Progress on Financial Empowerment in Colorado

The Office of Financial Empowerment (OFE) is making valuable progress in building the statewide infrastructure necessary to ensure the financial well-being of Colorado families and communities.

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