Quick Facts: A Fair Tax for Colorado

Colorado has a significantly regressive tax structure, where the wealthy pay much less in taxes than low-income Coloradans. See how a proposal for a fair tax could help.

school to prison pipeline colorado

Colorado’s Racial Wealth Gap: Mass Incarceration & the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Mass incarceration is both a product and cause of the racial wealth gap. This brief examines the policies and history that created and continue trends affecting Coloradans of color.

Healthcare professional from the direct care workforce taking an elderly woman's blood pressure in a home setting in Colorado.

Colorado’s Direct Care Workforce

As Colorado ages, demand for these workers is growing. Counterintuitively, wages remain abysmally low despite the importance of these roles.

2020 legislative session

What Just Happened? 10 Opening Day Quotes & What They Mean

What just happened? A guide to deciphering opening day legislative speeches and what they mean for the session to come.

colorado taxes

6 Things to Know When Talking About Colorado Taxes

If you're trying to understand the issues underlying tax policy in Colorado, keep these six basics in mind.

alternative work arrangements in colorado, bell policy center

The Future of Work: Alternative Work Arrangements in Colorado

This new report maps the landscape of alternative work arrangements in Colorado. Its findings highlight the prominence of the alternative workforce and the importance of protecting these workers in future policy.

unpaid caregiving

Colorado’s Unpaid Caregivers

Providing unpaid care for older adults is often hidden work, overlooked by our state, our businesses, and even unpaid caregivers themselves.

racial wealth gap homeownership & credit

Colorado’s Racial Wealth Gap: Homeownership & Credit

The first brief in our racial wealth gap series considers the impact of homeownership and credit on wealth, introducing unique state-level statistics.

Two individuals engaged in conversation at a table by a window with cityscape views, discussing the future of work.

The Future of Work: Education & Workforce Gaps Affecting Colorado Women

Women make up the majority of postsecondary students and degree earners, but many still find themselves funneled into careers with low pay and little opportunity for advancement.

older adult working

Older Adults in Colorado’s Workforce

In a new brief, we explore the importance of older adults in the workforce and opportunities to bolster this part of Colorado's economy.

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