In The Know: Earned Wage Access Loans Are a New Twist on an Old Idea

Colorado’s financial progress is being jeopardized by new, unregulated high-cost loans, where individuals get short-term, small-dollar advances, borrowing against their future paycheck and leading to cycles of debt.

In the Know: The True Cost of School Voucher Programs

As more states have adopted voucher programs, spending for public schools has decreased, disproportionately hurting students in higher poverty areas.

Homestead exemptions are one of the few progressive tools for reducing property taxes.

In The Know: Homestead Exemptions

Homestead exemptions are one of the few progressive options for reducing property taxes, providing a relatively greater benefit for homeowners of middle value property.

Graphic of four nurses talking about care worker wages in Colorado.

In The Know: Medicaid Reimbursement Rates

Learn how Medicaid reimbursement rates are determined, why they fall short, and how we can increase them and the wages for care workers.

Hands exchanging a two-dollar bill with text overlay discussing fees and fines for installment loans.

In The Know: Fees, Fines, and Add-Ons for Installment Loans

Add-on costs and fees are a growing concern for Coloradans and they're beginning to appear in more and more places. These additional charges quickly add up and exacerbate financial challenges for consumers.

Black and yellow graphic with text "in the know: Douglas County property values reduction" featuring a hand holding a paper house cutout.

In The Know: Douglas County Value Reduction

Why the move by Douglas County to reduce its property values didn't make sense and why the State Board of Equalization was correct in striking down the decision.

Open mailbox with letters depicting state tax returns information concept.

In The Know: Colorado State Refunds

The way Coloradans get their state rebates is changing. But why is this money available and how is it calculated?

Four healthcare professionals stand together as representatives of the workforce stabilization board.

In The Know: Colorado Bill Creates Direct Care Workforce Stabilization Board

Learn how this board works to make recommendations to lawmakers on employment standards and market conditions.

A woman reviewing financial documents with the title "budget items that support child care in the care economy.

What to look for in the 2024-2025 Budget to Support Care

What to look for in the 2024-2025 Colorado State Budget to Support Care The Bell has long worked to ensure...

Informative overview of state government financial reserves.

In The Know: Colorado State Reserves

Unlike many other states, Colorado does not have a “rainy day fund.” The state does have reserves that act as...

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