Colorado Middle Class Families

Colorado Middle Class Families: Characteristics & Cost Pressures

A new study highlights a scary truth: Achieving a middle class lifestyle is impossible for most Colorado families with actual middle-income levels. Read the full findings now.

White chalk question mark on Colorado's middle class blackboard.

What Happened to Colorado’s Middle Class?

Research done for the Bell Policy Center shows "traditional success is unobtainable for families earning the median income, regardless of county, age of children, or year studied." 

colorado state income tax rate

Testimony: Oppose Reduction of Colorado State Income Tax Rate

Public investments play a vital role in building and maintaining infrastructure, educating residents, and reducing the costs of services that help put opportunities for economic mobility within the reach of more families. The drastic cuts in revenue projected under HB18-1203 will make it even more difficult to help families get ahead.

stop digging, public investments

Stop Digging: Colorado Needs Strong Public Investments

We need serious proposals that will ensure economic growth for every Coloradan, not bumper-sticker bills designed to make out-of-state funders happy. Our message to legislators is ‘put down the shovel.’

colorado's economy

Colorado’s Economy: Strong Yet Uneven

While Colorado's economy may be strong, uneven growth throughout the state, an uptick in low-wage jobs and industries, and continued wealth and income inequality mean not everyone is benefitting.

Protest sign reading "save the American dream, ensure economic mobility in Colorado" held aloft in a crowd.

Economic Mobility in Colorado

We can raise the economic floor, build a diverse and thriving middle class, and embrace innovation in Colorado, but we need facts and ideas to change our trajectory. This guide provides just that.

colorado public investments

On The Chopping Block: Colorado Public Investments

Today, the share of Colorado’s economy invested in public services aimed at expanding opportunity is a smaller portion than at almost any time in the past 40 years.

Colorado's demographics

Colorado’s Demographics: An Older, More Diverse State

Because Colorado's demographics affect so much of how our state operates, it’s imperative to recognize how these elements play into the vision of economic opportunity.

Taxman Podcast

About That “Taxman” Podcast…

"The Taxman" podcast by CPR is a Rorschach test: For those who know about TABOR’s perils, it affirms their opposition, and to those who support it, the piece serves to strengthen their view of anti-tax activists.  

I voted" stickers on a metal surface, symbolizing participation in the election guided by the 2016 Ballot Guide.

2016 Ballot Guide

Each election cycle, we examine the statewide ballot measures and make recommendations based on the values that drive our work. Here is our take on 2016 ballot measures.

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