Clamp labeled "debrucing revenue cap" compressing stacks of paper labeled "schools," "roads," and "healthcare" against a yellow background.

What is Debrucing?

Debrucing allows governments to retain all of the revenue it collects and put it toward important services and programs Coloradans rely on.

enterprise funds colorado

What Are Enterprise Funds?

Even if you aren’t familiar with the term "enterprise fund," you’ve probably encountered these state-created businesses more than you imagine.

A glass "what are vendor fees" sign hanging on a shop window with reflections of interior lights.

What Are Vendor Fees?

Due to a high percentage and no cap, businesses in Colorado keep more money from vendor fees than all but a few other states. What does this mean for you?

colorado women future of work

The Future of Work: Implications for Colorado Women

Colorado's economy depends on working women, yet Colorado women cannot depend on our current workplace policies, regulations, politics, and societal norms.

Colorado Fiscal Policy Briefed by the Bell

Briefed by the Bell — Colorado Fiscal Policy

Soon, Colorado will hit TABOR revenue caps. What does this mean for Colorado fiscal policy and what will ensure all Coloradans benefit?

Colorado Middle Class Families

Colorado Middle Class Families: Characteristics & Cost Pressures

A new study highlights a scary truth: Achieving a middle class lifestyle is impossible for most Colorado families with actual middle-income levels. Read the full findings now.

White chalk question mark on Colorado's middle class blackboard.

What Happened to Colorado’s Middle Class?

Research done for the Bell Policy Center shows "traditional success is unobtainable for families earning the median income, regardless of county, age of children, or year studied." 

colorado state income tax rate

Testimony: Oppose Reduction of Colorado State Income Tax Rate

Public investments play a vital role in building and maintaining infrastructure, educating residents, and reducing the costs of services that help put opportunities for economic mobility within the reach of more families. The drastic cuts in revenue projected under HB18-1203 will make it even more difficult to help families get ahead.

stop digging, public investments

Stop Digging: Colorado Needs Strong Public Investments

We need serious proposals that will ensure economic growth for every Coloradan, not bumper-sticker bills designed to make out-of-state funders happy. Our message to legislators is ‘put down the shovel.’

colorado's economy

Colorado’s Economy: Strong Yet Uneven

While Colorado's economy may be strong, uneven growth throughout the state, an uptick in low-wage jobs and industries, and continued wealth and income inequality mean not everyone is benefitting.

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