Colorado Budget COVID 19

Lasting Damage: COVID-19’s Toll on Colorado’s Strapped State Budget

This in-depth blog outlines the economic conditions that are forcing false choices and deep cuts that will lead to lost opportunities for Coloradans, exacerbate and increase inequities, and lead to future costs far greater than those of prevention.

Banking Services

Federal Funds Are Important: Why Colorado Needs Support Now More Than Ever

No state can prepare for an extraordinary event such as this, and that is where the federal government needs to step forward and support states, including Colorado.

2021 colorado legislative session, progressive income tax system, colorado legislative preview

Colorado Recovery Hub

The Bell's Recovery Hub is a central location for credible information, ideas, analysis, and resources relevant to the immediate and future responses Colorado can undertake to respond to our changing environment.


Quick Facts: A Fair Tax for Colorado

Colorado has a significantly regressive tax structure, where the wealthy pay much less in taxes than low-income Coloradans. See how a proposal for a fair tax could help.

colorado taxes

6 Things to Know When Talking About Colorado Taxes

If you're trying to understand the issues underlying tax policy in Colorado, keep these six basics in mind.

2021 colorado legislative session, progressive income tax system, colorado legislative preview

Progressive Income Tax: How It Works

As conversations about taxing upper-income individuals heat up across the country, many people are surprised to learn a progressive income tax system isn’t even an option in Colorado.

Two people in Colorado sitting together, inserting coins into a pink piggy bank, discussing the updated data on the retirement crisis.

The Racial Wealth Gap: A Primer

Despite some progress on racial equality since the 1950s, America's economy lags behind. Has our country really grown more inclusive and equitable?

colorado state budget growth

Has the Colorado State Budget Grown?

As Colorado continues to have conversations about growth in the state budget (or lack thereof), the Bell is breaking down some of the key principles and approaches to measuring growth.

Silhouetted figures against a backlit American flag, contemplating the 2020 Policy Proposals.

November 2019 Ballot Guide

It’s that time again: This November, Coloradans have some big decisions to make. The Bell's recommendations and analysis are here to help.

Colorado budget

How Does Colorado’s Budget Work?

Colorado’s budget isn’t just a number. There are multiple factors to consider. Get your crash course here.

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