financial empowerment, what is economic mobility

Secure Savings: How the Racial Wealth Gap Manifests for Older Coloradans

While Secure Savings alone will not close Colorado’s racial wealth gap, it will go a long way toward building assets and security for all Coloradans — particularly Coloradans of color — in retirement.

school to prison pipeline colorado

Colorado’s Racial Wealth Gap: Mass Incarceration & the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Mass incarceration is both a product and cause of the racial wealth gap. This brief examines the policies and history that created and continue trends affecting Coloradans of color.

racial wealth gap homeownership & credit

Colorado’s Racial Wealth Gap: Homeownership & Credit

The first brief in our racial wealth gap series considers the impact of homeownership and credit on wealth, introducing unique state-level statistics.

Two people in Colorado sitting together, inserting coins into a pink piggy bank, discussing the updated data on the retirement crisis.

The Racial Wealth Gap: A Primer

Despite some progress on racial equality since the 1950s, America's economy lags behind. Has our country really grown more inclusive and equitable?

colorado retirement crisis, colorado low-income families

Colorado’s Retirement Crisis: Updated Data & Analysis

Nearly one million Colorado private sector employees in their prime working years don’t participate in a workplace retirement plan. Learn more with our latest data and analysis.

2018 legislative session

The Predatory Lending Landscape

As more states prohibit egregious interest rates, consumers are saving money and avoiding long-term financial pitfalls like bankruptcy. While Colorado has made significant progress, it’s imperative we don’t let our guard down in this new environment.

colorado women future of work

The Future of Work: Implications for Colorado Women

Colorado's economy depends on working women, yet Colorado women cannot depend on our current workplace policies, regulations, politics, and societal norms.

Wealth & Income Inequality Colorado Briefed by the Bell

Briefed by the Bell — Wealth & Income Inequality

Did you know the top 1 percent takes in 16.6 percent of all income in Colorado? Find out what we can do to address rising inequality in Colorado.

predatory economy, briefed by the bell

Briefed by the Bell — Predatory Economy

The predatory economy is at work in Colorado. The question now is what will our policymakers do to stop it?

Colorado Middle Class Families

Colorado Middle Class Families: Characteristics & Cost Pressures

A new study highlights a scary truth: Achieving a middle class lifestyle is impossible for most Colorado families with actual middle-income levels. Read the full findings now.

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