Angie Anderson: The Many Faces of Jeffco’s Affordable Housing Crisis

This blog series gives insight into how a range of individuals are experiencing Jeffco’s affordable housing crisis.

A magnifying glass focusing on local ballot measures, symbolized by numbered icons, examines these pivotal local ballot measures in detail.

Local Ballot Measures

A closer look at three measures up for a vote in the November election.

Two individuals engaged in conversation at a table by a window with cityscape views, discussing the future of work.

The Future of Work: Disruptions & Solutions for Colorado Women

The final installment of the Future of Work and Women series explores policy solutions to ensure women's workforce equity.

higher education in colorado

Research Series: Higher Education in Colorado

A series of briefs provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities in Colorado's higher education system.

undocumented immigrants in Colorado

Tax Contributions of Undocumented Immigrants

If 10% of undocumented immigrants left Colorado, the state would lose $23.8 million in federal taxes and $12.4 million in state and local taxes.

colorado retirement crisis, colorado low-income families

New Report: Economic Mobility for Colorado’s Low-Income Families

A new report shows how intentional state spending can work to better support Coloradans' economic mobility and move families into the middle class.

age discrimination in colorado

Age Discrimination in Colorado

While a base set of age discrimination laws exist, they have proven woefully inadequate. We can strengthen these protections for older workers in Colorado.

Woman in yellow with mask and gloves (future of work: COVID''s impact on women)

The Future of Work: COVID-19’s Impact on Women

In our new brief, we build on previous research and examine many of the ways women have fared over the course of the pandemic.

Colorado Voters

2020 Ballot Guide: Analysis & Recommendations

With 11 statewide measures on Colorado's ballot this year, the Bell Policy Center's 2020 Ballot Guide provides expert analysis and in-depth recommendations for voters.

higher education in colorado

Actionable Agenda for the Future of Work & Learning

When implemented, these changes can lead to better outcomes for Coloradans who have been historically disadvantaged, while also helping build a workforce that is better prepared, more resilient, and more responsive to future needs.

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