family security

Briefed by the Bell — Family Security

For many Coloradans, taking time off to meet family care needs comes with the constant fear of losing a paycheck or job.

Colorado Middle Class Families

Colorado Middle Class Families: Characteristics & Cost Pressures

A new study highlights a scary truth: Achieving a middle class lifestyle is impossible for most Colorado families with actual middle-income levels. Read the full findings now.

A mother and her three children engaged in an outdoor arts and crafts activity as part of the Expand Pilot Program.

Mapping Study: Two-Generation Ideas for Denver Neighborhoods

The Bell identified the educational and job training needs of Denver-area families and developed a list of programs, policies, and resources available to provide these services. This mapping study focuses on identifying what currently exists, the students being served, and the major barriers and gaps in accessing the available services.

paid leave

Why Coloradans Need Paid Leave & How to Offer it

A robust, universal paid leave insurance program would benefit all of us. Colorado’s changing demographics and the future of work require us to rethink what “insurance” means, and find ways to offer paid family and medical leave to everyone.

colorado health care coverage options

Testimony: Study Colorado Health Care Coverage Options

Many Coloradans, particularly those in mountain and rural communities, are reaching a health care crisis point. We need to problem solve now.

colorado's middle class squeeze

Colorado’s Middle Class Squeeze is Real

Colorado's middle class is in trouble. That's according to CU Denver Professors Geoff Propheter and Todd Ely, who revealed their preliminary findings from a state-specific study focusing on the middle class squeeze.

colorado medicaid work requirements

Testimony: Oppose Colorado Medicaid Work Requirements

A work requirement is unlikely to spur large numbers of additional non-disabled adults to get a job, but it will lead to tens of thousands of people losing coverage.

Pie chart showing awareness of the Colorado cliff effect pilot program (cepp): 54% yes, 46% no or unsure.

A Look Past the Cliff: Understanding Colorado’s Cliff Effect Pilot Program

To better understand how the Colorado Cliff Effect Pilot Program helps families achieve economic mobility, the Bell Policy Center conducted a study examining advantages and areas for improvement.

colorado legislature

The Bell Calls on Colorado Legislature to Invest in Child Care, Early Childhood Education

Money spent on children under age 4 have an enormous return on investment, including less reliance on social services later in life and an economic boost by allowing parents the time and ability to work.

White chalk question mark on Colorado's middle class blackboard.

What Happened to Colorado’s Middle Class?

Research done for the Bell Policy Center shows "traditional success is unobtainable for families earning the median income, regardless of county, age of children, or year studied." 

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