Posts by Rich Jones

A weathered brick wall with the phrase "until debt tear us apart" stenciled on it above a lone, empty bench, hinting at the importance of secure savings.

Low Fees Essential to Secure Savings Success

The fees that would be charged on the Secure Savings Plan are much lower than what small employers with low-wage workers currently pay in the market place. These are the very employers least likely to offer workplace retirement savings plans in Colorado.

A man in a suit speaking emphatically about the Trump Budget.

The Trump Budget: 15 Threats to Opportunity in Colorado

Trump’s proposed budget takes direct aim at many of the investments that help moderate- to low-income Coloradans get ahead and stay ahead economically.

Three construction workers silhouetted against a sunset sky, embodying workforce development in action.

Colorado Workers Face a Retirement Crisis

Today, almost 900,000 Colorado private-sector workers in their prime working years are not participating in traditional pensions or 401(k)-type retirement savings plans at work.


Amendment 66 & PERA

PERA is the retirement system for state and local government employees, including teachers. It is the only retirement program for these employees, virtually all of whom do not participate in or receive Social Security benefits.

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