Posts by Natalie O'Donnell Wood

colorado medicaid work requirements

Colorado’s Budget Faces Immediate Pressure from Changing Demographics

It is crucial we act now in order to be well-positioned for our demographic future.

Elderly couple enjoying the economic opportunity to spend quality time outdoors with their two young grandchildren.

New Action Plan on Aging Strengthens Economic Opportunity

Colorado should act now to meet critical goals for 2030 that, if reached, will ensure the success of “older Coloradans and their families by promoting health and well-being, fostering self-sufficiency, providing livable communities, and protecting the most vulnerable populations.” 

colorado health care coverage options

Making Sense of Rising Medicaid Costs

Medicaid’s expansion under the ACA is not to blame.

Two children concentrating on writing in a notebook as part of an early insights pilot program.

Early Insights: Cliff Effect Pilot Program

According to one parent who earned too much to remain on the pilot, “I couldn’t go backwards. I would have had to take a huge pay cut at work. And that is just ridiculous.”

A younger person offering informal caregiving through holding an elderly person's hand, providing comfort and support.

Informal Caregiving Costs Billions in Colorado & It’s Growing

Approximately 1 out of every 10 Coloradans is informally caring for an individual age 50 or older.

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