Posts by Frank Waterous

Child-like drawing of a family holding hands under the sun.

2018 Legislative Watch List: Colorado Two-Generation Policies

As we seek to make economic mobility for every Coloradan a reality, two-generation policies will be crucial to that mission. Here, we identify the bills being considered during the 2018 legislative session that focus on both children and parents.

A man in a suit with a striped tie speaking at a podium in a legislative chamber about two-generation strategies.

Two-Generation Strategies Stand Out in Governor’s State of the State

Governor Hickenlooper said, “We lifted families out of poverty with a focus on two-generation solutions," emphasizing the impact of two-generation strategies on economic mobility.

A brick house with a sold sign on the front lawn, symbolizing homeownership hopes amidst student debt.

Student Debt Dashes Hopes for Homeownership

New data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shows those with student loan debt are less likely to own a home in their early thirties than those who didn't take on as much debt. 

Technician undergoing training while monitoring advanced manufacturing equipment.

Future of Work: The Evolution of Education & Training

America’s education and skills-development system must change in order to meet the needs of our future economy and workforce, but can it?

A word cloud themed around debt, with terms such as "student loan debt," "overdue," "mortgage," and "loan" emphasized in larger fonts.

Ready for Retirement & Still Grappling with Student Loan Debt

A growing number of retirement-age Americans are defaulting on student loans and many are falling into poverty as a result.

Person resting head on table surrounded by a stack of books, overwhelmed by high student debt from attending a for-profit college.

For-Profit College Students: Low Completion, High Student Debt

Poor outcomes at for-profit schools are hitting low-income students and ethnic and racial minorities the hardest.

Two people sitting side by side using a laptop and a tablet, helping Colorado adults succeed.

Helping Colorado Adults Succeed

After being the last state in the nation to dedicate state funds to adult education, Colorado now is boosting adult literacy and education.

An empty lecture hall with rows of wooden seats, higher tuition costs noted on a blackboard at the front.

What’s Really Driving Higher Tuition Costs?

Tuition increases over the last several years have been primarily driven by significant reductions in state funding for public higher education.

Students studying in a large, well-lit library with wooden tables and shelves filled with books, many of whom are Post-Traditional Adult Students.

Post-Traditional Adult Students Key to Closing Colorado’s Skills Gap

Working-age adults already represent a substantial share of all undergraduates nationwide and are a key part of a demographic shift with important implications for how postsecondary education is structured and delivered.

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