Posts by Bell Policy Center Staff

books ascending in size (stackable credential program)

Creating Stackable Credential Programs

This study outlines steps taken in the financial services stackable credentials program, but the lessons learned are transferable across a number of industries. The work here helps Colorado build a more equitable workforce and future.

Three construction workers silhouetted against a sunset sky, embodying workforce development in action.

Colorado’s Racial Wealth Gap: Wages & Labor

The final brief in the Bell’s current racial wealth gap series examines the reality of wages and occupations by race in Colorado and how the history of American labor relations has shaped this reality.

Colorado Budget COVID 19

Lasting Damage: COVID-19’s Toll on Colorado’s Strapped State Budget

This in-depth blog outlines the economic conditions that are forcing false choices and deep cuts that will lead to lost opportunities for Coloradans, exacerbate and increase inequities, and lead to future costs far greater than those of prevention.

2021 colorado legislative session, progressive income tax system, colorado legislative preview

40 Colorado Organizations Call for Federal Relief Legislation

With a budget shortfall of $3.3 billion and limited federal funds, working families will bear the brunt of Colorado’s economic crisis, the open letter warns.

colorado taxes

Revenue Shortfalls: Lost Opportunity, Increased Inequity, & Future Costs

If we fail to act now, action becomes more expensive later and outcomes will be more inequitable. We still can stop this through federal action and efforts to raise revenue.

2021 colorado legislative session, progressive income tax system, colorado legislative preview

Colorado Recovery Hub

The Bell's Recovery Hub is a central location for credible information, ideas, analysis, and resources relevant to the immediate and future responses Colorado can undertake to respond to our changing environment.

aging in colorado

Actionable Aging Policy Agenda

Colorado must act now to create the age-friendly policies our state needs. These recommendations offer a meaningful, community-informed path forward.


Quick Facts: A Fair Tax for Colorado

Colorado has a significantly regressive tax structure, where the wealthy pay much less in taxes than low-income Coloradans. See how a proposal for a fair tax could help.

school to prison pipeline colorado

Colorado’s Racial Wealth Gap: Mass Incarceration & the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Mass incarceration is both a product and cause of the racial wealth gap. This brief examines the policies and history that created and continue trends affecting Coloradans of color.

Healthcare professional from the direct care workforce taking an elderly woman's blood pressure in a home setting in Colorado.

Colorado’s Direct Care Workforce

As Colorado ages, demand for these workers is growing. Counterintuitively, wages remain abysmally low despite the importance of these roles.

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