Posts by Bell Policy Center Staff

Two children ride scooters in a concrete urban space under a partly cloudy sky, symbolizing the ongoing report on measuring opportunities for working families.

Report: Measuring Opportunities for Working Families

These are the key areas where we can enact change to unleash the potential of Coloradans and provide greater opportunities for Colorado's families to advance toward economic independence and security.

Blue and white paper ticket labeled "ticket for College Education" placed on a wooden surface.

Infographic: College Education Is Way Out of Poverty

Fifty-three percent of Americans raised in the poorest families moved into the middle class thanks to college.

colorado legislature

Report: Assessing Reading Ability Gaps in Colorado 3rd Graders

Children who are not proficient in third grade are less likely to be so in high school and less likely than their proficient counterparts to graduate from high school.

Wooden signposts depicting a metaphor for Colorado's economic status with arrows pointing in opposite directions labeled "boom" and "bust," under the title "Colorado Budget Explanation in Plain Talk.

Colorado’s Budget: In Plain Talk

Learn the basics about Colorado's budget.

paid sick leave

Costs & Benefits of Paid Sick Leave

Workers who lack paid sick leave are more likely to come to work sick, send their children to school while sick, recover more slowly from illnesses, and rely on expensive visits to emergency rooms than are workers with sick leave.

Scrabble tiles spelling 'tax' on a background of US dollar bills and a map of Colorado.

Undocumented Immigrants in Colorado: What They Cost, What They Pay

"This analysis clearly shows claims that undocumented immigrants are the cause of our budget problems are way off base," said Rich Jones, director of policy and research.

Report cover highlighting issues facing Colorado families in 2010 with the title 'Opportunity Lost Report'.

2010 Opportunity Lost Report

In an update to our 2004 report, Opportunity Lost: When Hard Work Isn't Enough for Colorado's Families, the Bell's 2010 study finds working poor and low-income families now fare worse on many of the same indicators examined in the previous report.


Understanding Referendum C

Due to the "ratchet effect" caused by the TABOR amendment, a bipartisan compromise was created, called Referenda C and D. This is what to know about Referendum C, which Colorado voters approved.

A row of similar doors against a patterned wall with one door painted yellow, standing out from the rest, highlighted in the 2005 Opportunity Report.

2005 Opportunity Report

What is opportunity? How is it generated and sustained in the 21st century? In this 2005 iteration of "Colorado: The State of Opportunity," the Bell seeks to answer these questions and more.

Silhouette of a person standing between curtains with a cycle of opportunity backlighting effect.

Cycle of Opportunity

The Bell Policy Center first introduced the Cycle of Opportunity concept in 2002 to illustrate how we believe opportunity is created and sustained in the 21st century.

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