Our Work So Far in 2024

A Special Message of Gratitude

Angela Cobián, Board Chair, Bell Policy Center

Dear Friends and Compañeros,

For 23 years, the Bell Policy Center has worked to advance economic mobility for all Coloradans. Our efforts, from advocating for TABOR reforms to championing higher wages, have shaped progressive policy in the state – and we’re not going anywhere.

Under President Scott Wasserman’s leadership, we’ve been at the forefront of change, igniting public policy discourse in Colorado. As we embark on our next chapter with a new President and a renewed vision, your support is crucial. Your commitment to us not only helps sustain the Bell’s legacy as a reliable resource that influences a progressive policy agenda, but also moves us toward collective prosperity.

I invite you to scan the QR to learn more about our accomplishments, made possible with your support. Your donations enable us to continue building a better ladder to a caring economy, and a Colorado that works for us all. Muchísimas Gracias for your support!

In Partnership,

Angela Cobián
Board Chair
Bell Policy Center

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Wins, Future Work, and Where This Leaves Us

With the close of the 2024 Colorado legislative session, we took stock of our state’s progress on issues key to economic mobility. Taken as a whole, this legislative session brought important progress – our caring economy is stronger, our tax code is fairer, and we made historic investments in our education systems. Yet, this progress is also precarious. Fiscal limitations in our state – largely due to TABOR – inherently create both scarcity and uncertainty. As federal COVID support comes to an end, and our state’s budget returns to the old, new, normal it’s unclear whether this progress on a multitude of fronts can be maintained.

Your Support has made Our Work So Far in 2024 Possible

Thank you to all our partners who support the Bell Policy Center.

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