State Budget Inadequacies in Colorado

Year after year we’ve seen lawmakers forced to make excruciating choices about how to spend Colorado’s scarce resources. The inadequacies are many and varied. Do you pay for nurses for disabled children who need round-the-clock care, or do you fund meal delivery for older, fragile Coloradans who may not have the wherewithal to put lunch in a microwave? These are all real budget inadequacies and choices that lawmakers have had to make.
We live in a prosperous state and Colorado lawmakers shouldn’t have to make those kinds of choices. We’ve started a new video series to shine a light on those very difficult Colorado state budget decisions, dictated by artificially-concocted budget restraints that serve politics, and not Coloradans in need. The inadequacies are glaring.
We hope you’ll watch the videos in this series, and share with your networks. We all need to better understand the inadequacies and choices that antiquated budget constraints force on our state.
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