Jan. 2023 Polling on a Fairer Tax Code

GSG poll shows Coloradans overwhelmingly favor increased public funding for public services and a fairer tax code

Contact: Alicia Caldwell, Communications Director, Bell Policy Center
caldwell@bellpolicy.org 303-810-9909

Denver (Jan. 25, 2023) – A new poll conducted this month shows Coloradans strongly favor increased public funding for key priorities and overwhelmingly believe the state needs a better tax system that ensures the wealthy pay their fair share.

The poll, conducted by Global Strategy Group on behalf of The Bell Policy Center, shows 74 percent of voters agree that “Colorado needs a better tax system that ensures the wealthy pay their fair share and that priorities like schools, transportation, and health care have the resources they need.”

Results at the ballot box in recent years might suggest that Coloradans are opposed to new taxes to pay for things the state needs. This poll shows that’s not the case, and underscores other opinion surveys the Bell has commissioned over the last few years that show Coloradans favor more funding for public priorities but also want a tax code that is fairer, more progressive and calls on the state’s wealthiest residents to pay more..

“The public will for a fairer tax code is strong in Colorado. Now we need the political will to match it. ” said Scott Wasserman, President of the Bell. “Voters want a lot more tools on the table and everyone must push for a bigger conversation about what an adequate, fair and sustainable tax code looks like.”

“These data are clear: Colorado voters want to see better funding for important priorities like schools, roads, and healthcare and they support raising taxes to do it – especially on the wealthy,” said Andrew Baumann, Partner at GSG.

The poll’s results also clearly show voters oppose tax cuts – even cuts that would reduce their own tax bills – if they undermine public services such as schools, transportation and health care. Interestingly, support for adequate public funding for priorities was expressed by majorities across the political spectrum – Democrats, Republicans and Unaffiliated voters.

Other key findings include:

  • 76 percent of voters support a new tax bracket for those making $500,000 a year or more.
  • Voters also support raising taxes on multi-million-dollar homes, with 68 percent of voters (after hearing opposition arguments) supporting “creating a new statewide luxury tax on single-family residential homes valued at $2 million or more.”
  • 71 percent agree that “income taxes on the wealthiest Coloradans are too low.”
  • 74 percent approved of the legislature’s decision to provide flat tax rebates of $750 for single filers and $1500 for joint filers.
  • 61 percent support “eliminating TABOR rebate checks for Coloradans who make $500,000 or more per year.”
  • Mentioning that TABOR “surplus” revenue that would otherwise go to those making over $500,000 would be used to fund schools, transportation, and health care boosts support even further to 64 percent.
  • Only 49% of voters support eliminating TABOR rebates altogether to fund state priorities.

The poll of 804 voters was conducted from Jan. 9-16. The survey had a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percent. The margin of error on sub-samples is greater.

For more poll details, please visit the Bell’s website (link to top lines and poll memo).

The Bell is a progressive public policy nonprofit that advocates for policies supporting economic mobility for all Coloradans.

Wasserman, the Bell’s president, is available for comment on the poll’s findings as is Baumann, GSG Partner, who conducted the poll. Please contact Alicia Caldwell, Bell Communications Director, for interview requests.

Polling Memo

Polling Toplines

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