Policy Deep Dive: Aging Coloradans & The Caring Workforce

Aging Coloradans face enormous financial challenges in finding the care they need in a state that fails to adequately fund and support the caring workforce and imposes strict eligibility requirements for services. The Bell Policy Center took an in-depth look at the situation in our 2021 State of Aging report. In this new series of briefs, written in collaboration with some of our valued partners, we’re adding to that body of work and delving deeper into the services aging Coloradans rely on, how they are funded, and ways these services could be improved.

In the fall of 2021, the Bell released its inaugural State of Aging report. This report provided a comprehensive set of metrics by which to benchmark our state’s ongoing successes and challenges in meeting the needs of older Coloradans. In this brief, we assess what’s changed since the inaugural report. 


Published November 7, 2022

State-facilitated services can play an important role in the lives of older Coloradans. However, it is often difficult to decipher how these services are funded, long-term trends, and who’s benefiting from these investments. We use the following brief to explore these topics as they relate to aging services in Colorado.


Published November 7, 2022

Colorado has a long-term care crisis, specifically as it relates to support provided in home and community settings.  While a statewide problem, the issue manifests differently in various parts of Colorado. In this brief, we explore the care crisis, particular nuances relevant to southwest Colorado, and potential policy solutions.

Published August 18, 2022

Medicaid provides an essential social safety net for those in need. However, very restrictive requirements limit the number of Coloradans who are eligible. In the following brief, and in partnership with the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition (CCDC), we explore the challenges with Colorado’s current Medicaid asset limit, and a range of potential policy alternatives.

Published August 18, 2022

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