Truth and context in political discussion is more important now than ever. So often, assertions are made without evidence or follow-up, leaving voters without the information they need to make informed choices about candidates or issues. This new series aims to cut through the noise to provide factual analysis about the issues facing Colorado.

We’re dedicated to peeling back the rhetoric and giving you the facts. Below, find a collection of fact sheets with up-to-date research to help you stay informed on the issues leading debates & discussion around the state.

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Graphic of four nurses talking about care worker wages in Colorado.

Medicaid Reimbursement Rates

March 18, 2024 – Medicaid is the largest public insurance provider in the nation, and as such its reimbursement rates are critically important to the quality of care its recipients receive and compensation for those who provide that care. Learn how Medicaid reimbursement rates are determined, why they fall short, and how we can increase them and the wages for care workers.

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Douglas County Value Reduction

Jan. 31, 2024 – Douglas County Commissioners announced a 4 percent reduction in property values for all homes in the county last September. The State Board of Equalization then struck down their value reduction by a unanimous 5-0 vote. Here’s why this seemingly simple move by Douglas County doesn’t make sense and why the State Board of Equalization was correct in striking down the decision.

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State Refunds

Jan. 30, 2024 – Over the last two years, Colorado lawmakers have restructured the way that revenue above the state’s spending cap has been sent to Coloradans. In the past, the amount in these “rebates” have been based on income, so that the more money one makes, the larger amount they receive. However, the state legislature decided that in 2022 and 2023 every Colorado taxpayer should receive the same amount. This has created more fairness. But why is this money available and how is it calculated? 

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Direct Care Workforce Stabilization Board

Dec. 6, 2023 – During the 2023 legislative session, lawmakers passed Senate Bill 23-261, a measure creating the Direct Care Workforce Stabilization Board. The board aims to address the turbulence in the direct care industry by calling on the voices of those in the field to make recommendations to lawmakers on employment standards and market conditions including wages, benefits, and working hours.

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Colorado Child Care Assistance Program

Oct. 10, 2023 – The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, known as CCCAP, is a child care subsidy for families with low incomes that are unhoused, working, searching for work, in school, or in a training program. As the state continues to make progress on the affordability of child care with programs such as Universal Preschool (UPK), CCCAP plays an important role in increasing the affordability of care for children, from birth through 12 years of age.

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New Protections for Colorado Consumers

Sept. 28, 2023 – As of July 1, 2024, Colorado consumers will have important new protections thanks to state legislators who took action to uphold voter preferences for strong consumer protections by passing HB23-1229. This legislation closed a loophole that allowed out-of-state lenders to charge higher rates and fees than allowed by Colorado law. By passing HB23-1229, Colorado lawmakers protected our state’s ability to create the lending rules and regulations that are right for Coloradans.

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School Finance

March 30, 2023 – K-12 education is one of Colorado’s largest budget expenditures and most essential public services. This fact sheet outlines how K-12 education is funded, how funding levels have changed over the years, and how much is needed to reach adequate funding for students in all corners of the state.

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Zoning and Land Use Reform

March 23, 2023 – As Colorado works to tackle the ongoing housing crisis, it is crucial that we look at the regulations on what types of housing units are permitted, and where they can be built. By reforming land and zoning rules, we can more efficiently use each dollar spent on housing solutions.

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Consumer Loan Protection

March 22, 2023 – Colorado has some of the strongest consumer protection in the country, yet predatory lenders have been able to skirt regulations by selling out-of-state loans within Colorado. This fact sheet outlines that process, and what we can do to stop it.

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Energy Costs

March 16, 2023 – In November and December of 2022, Colorado residents experienced shocking increases in their energy bills. For some, costs were almost double from the previous year. This IN THE KNOW fact sheet outlines what drives energy price increases, who gets hit the hardest, and what could be done to alleviate rising energy costs.

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Rent Control

March 3, 2023 – Rent control is a cap on price increases, limiting a landlord’s ability to increase rent. There are different forms of rent control policies with different features which reflect of community preferences. When well-directed, rent control can deliver targeted relief to limit displacement and stabilize families’ budgets.

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The Caring Workforce

Oct. 26, 2022 – Despite its importance, Colorado’s caring workforce is in a state of crisis, due in-part to sustained under-investment. The impacts of this crisis are felt not only by individual workers, but also by the thousands of Coloradans who depend upon the care these individuals provide.

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Past In The Know Fact Sheets:

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