Collage of traditional houses on a two-tone background.

A Clearer Picture: Colorado’s Property Tax Debate

Four approaches to housing affordability and property taxes are headed to your ballot. How do they work and which approach is best for Colorado?

Urban skyline with residential rooftops in the foreground, under a hazy orange sky.

What are Colorado Initiatives 74 and 75?

Two property tax initiatives may appear on your ballot this year. Learn how they might hurt Colorado and how we can have more productive property tax conversations moving forward.

Aerial view of a suburban area with a network of streets and houses, depicted in a monochromatic orange filter, illustrating the consequences of price-cap regulations.

Price-Cap Regulations on Property Taxes & Consequences

We look at property tax measures from various states, how they work, and the fiscal consequences they provoked.

Wooden frame of a house under construction against a sepia-toned background.

Colorado’s Need for Equitable Growth

Colorado’s population boom highlights a need to pay attention to the impacts of a growing population and center equitable growth in a broader conversation.

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