Woman in yellow with mask and gloves (future of work: COVID''s impact on women)

The Future of Work: COVID-19’s Impact on Women

In our new brief, we build on previous research and examine many of the ways women have fared over the course of the pandemic.

enterprise funds colorado

Why a Statewide Strategy on Financial Empowerment is Needed

Learn more about what an office of financial empowerment would look like and do in Colorado by reading our latest brief.

A young child walks ahead on a dirt path while two adults discuss policy proposals follow behind, amidst a backdrop of trees.

Prop 118 is a Major Win for Colorado Families

Proposition 118 is a huge win for Colorado families and positions our state as a leader in expanding truly universal portable benefits.

pay your tax now (tax fairness)

The 2020 Election & Colorado’s Fiscal Future

Measures passed in Colorado as part of the 2020 election will change Colorado's fiscal picture into the future. What does that mean for our taxes and our state's budget?

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