money symbol in lights (race and taxes in Colorado, regressive tax code)

Race, Taxes, & Colorado’s Regressive Tax Codes

Through new analysis, we hope to use further data to examine how Colorado can develop a fair tax code that provides adequate funding for public investment as well as ensures tax codes are designed in an equitable manner.

2020 legislative session

Over 50 Organizations Urge Gov. Polis to Oppose Prop 116

Prop 116 is an income tax cut that would flow primarily to the wealthiest Coloradans and be paid for with severe cuts in our state budget. Several organizations across the state urge Gov. Polis to oppose it.

Closed sign (unemployment in Colorado)

What We Know About Unemployment in Colorado

By examining unemployment insurance claims data, we see COVID's outsized impact on Colorado women, older and younger workers, and those from communities of color.

The United States Capitol building, a backdrop to numerous political issues, viewed from an elevated angle with trees and street traffic in the foreground.

Colorado Needs Federal COVID Relief

Many of the previous provisions of federal COVID relief have expired leading to dire economic straits for hundreds of thousands of Coloradans. Without a new relief package, Coloradans will suffer.

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