A stop sign with an added sign below it that reads "Colorado eviction," against a blank background, highlighting the ongoing rental crisis.

Colorado’s Looming Eviction & Rental Crisis

By September, nearly 420,000 Coloradans will be at risk of evictions, having accumulated nearly $765 million in rental debt. Unless action is taken, Colorado could experience an eviction and rental crisis larger than the Great Recession.

Colorado Budget COVID 19

Lasting Damage: COVID-19’s Toll on Colorado’s Strapped State Budget

This in-depth blog outlines the economic conditions that are forcing false choices and deep cuts that will lead to lost opportunities for Coloradans, exacerbate and increase inequities, and lead to future costs far greater than those of prevention.

2021 colorado legislative session, progressive income tax system, colorado legislative preview

40 Colorado Organizations Call for Federal Relief Legislation

With a budget shortfall of $3.3 billion and limited federal funds, working families will bear the brunt of Colorado’s economic crisis, the open letter warns.

Colorado budget cuts

Budget Cuts You Might Have Missed

Many of the programs up for reduction are relatively small, but their collective impact is anything but. They fund essential functions, patch and expand a network of preventative services, and are tailored to the needs of communities across the state.

TABOR ruling

New Priorities for a New Normal

As we get ready for the resumption of Colorado's legislative session, the Bell Policy Center has reorganized its public policy priorities for the challenges of a new normal.

colorado taxes

Revenue Shortfalls: Lost Opportunity, Increased Inequity, & Future Costs

If we fail to act now, action becomes more expensive later and outcomes will be more inequitable. We still can stop this through federal action and efforts to raise revenue.

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