unpaid caregiving

Colorado’s Unpaid Caregivers

Providing unpaid care for older adults is often hidden work, overlooked by our state, our businesses, and even unpaid caregivers themselves.

2020 legislative session

2020 Legislative Session: What You Should Know

The 2020 legislative session is upon us. Here is a preview of what to expect on the economic mobility front.

Light bulb on a chalkboard with a thought bubble drawn around it, symbolizing financial well-being.

What Does Financial Well-Being Mean to You?

When we ask about best practices from other communities and explore if they might work locally, we get a resounding answer: “Yes, and.”

A modern, tidy workspace with an iMac displaying the motivational message "do more," surrounded by office supplies, a potted plant, and documents concerning Colorado policy.

Connecting Coloradans to Policy Decision Making

When we rely on statistical data alone, it can lead to missing the impacts of one issue on another or overlooking an important aspect of the issue altogether.

racial wealth gap homeownership & credit

Colorado’s Racial Wealth Gap: Homeownership & Credit

The first brief in our racial wealth gap series considers the impact of homeownership and credit on wealth, introducing unique state-level statistics.

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