2020 policy proposals housing affordability

2020 Policy Proposals: Harris, Warren, & Booker on Housing

Renting and homeownership have become more expensive in Colorado than any other time in our history. How will the 2020 Democratic candidates address it?

Adult supervising three young children playing with toys at a round table as part of Colorado's Early Childhood Education workforce.

2020 Policy Proposals: Child Care & Early Childhood Education

Democratic presidential candidates are focused on child care. What are they proposing and what has Colorado already done to help families?

long-term care

2020 Policy Proposals: Sanders on Long-Term Care

The way older Coloradans pay for long-term services and supports isn't working. Sen. Bernie Sanders thinks there's a way to fix that.

A young child walks ahead on a dirt path while two adults discuss policy proposals follow behind, amidst a backdrop of trees.

2020 Policy Proposals: Working Family Tax Credits

The programs once championed by Republican presidents and Republican congresses have become the staple of 2020 Democratic presidential proposals.

Clamp labeled "debrucing revenue cap" compressing stacks of paper labeled "schools," "roads," and "healthcare" against a yellow background.

What is Debrucing?

Debrucing allows governments to retain all of the revenue it collects and put it toward important services and programs Coloradans rely on.

oregon portable benefits

Universal Portable Benefits: The Oregon Model

Oregon has set up a paid family and medical leave program alongside a successful retirement security plan. What can Colorado learn from these universal portable benefit models?

universal portable benefits, open to all workers

What Are Universal Portable Benefits?

It’s no longer a given workers will have access to the essential building blocks of economic mobility like quality health insurance, retirement savings options, or paid family and medical leave.

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