Many of the solutions to economic prosperity hinge on our ability to reduce the costs associated with raising a family and caring for our loved ones. As we work toward that goal, it’s critical we acknowledge just how labor intensive these areas are. The people who care for our infants and toddlers, teach our kids, and support the needs of our aging loved ones are as much a part of our economy as are those who benefit from these services.
In the past, many of the jobs in the caring workforce were a ticket into middle class life. Today, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It seems we have a paradox on our hands — middle class families struggling to afford essential services and relying on the underpayment of others to make it all work. It defies the logic of supply and demand, but is something we take as a given. Shouldn’t a workforce in such demand see better wages?
This year, the Bell Policy Center will examine the issues surrounding our caring workforce more closely. There’s a difference between “cheap” and “affordable.” Policymakers and advocates should be aware of this difference, and work to build a system that doesn’t skimp on its most important input — the people who make it all happen. We hope you’ll follow this important work and share it to create more awareness of an important issue facing our state.
Career ladders for long-term care workers
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