A person holding their lower back, possibly indicating discomfort or pain, may be in need of respite care.

Supporting Colorado Caregivers Through Respite Care

Respite is a vital service for families who are taking care of a loved one at home. This brief examines how policymakers can better understand the structural needs, challenges, and opportunities of respite care.

Briefed by the bell health care

Briefed by the Bell — Health Care

Colorado has made major strides in increasing access to health care over the last 10 years, but consistently increasing costs put health care out of reach for families.

Aerial view of a tropical Margaritaville coastline with waves crashing onto the shore surrounded by palm trees.

Lessons on Aging from Margaritaville

What can Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville teach us about aging? Turns out a lot.

colorado's future bell policy center

Focusing on Colorado’s Future: What Our New Leaders Must Do

Winning an election is only the beginning. Now is the time to get things done to help Coloradans thrive. Here are a few places to start.

Colorado Fab Five

The Colorado Fab Five Won on Progressive Platforms, Not Wedding Plans

Colorado’s success depends on embracing the incredible potential of women like the Fab Five and the issues they fight for, not their wedding plans.

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