2Gen family drawing

New 2Gen Program Makes Colorado a National Leader

What if more communities could help Colorado families holistically, instead of relying on siloed systems that support only one sliver of their needs at a time? Gov. Hickenlooper’s newly launched two-generation program, 2GO, is encouraging local innovation to do just that.

colorado jobs & technology

How Will Technology Affect Colorado Jobs?

In a brief completed for the Bell Policy Center by University of Colorado Denver graduate student Lauren Whynott, we explore how technology might affect Colorado jobs as part of our continuing research on the future of work.


Smart Policy Can Make Long-Term Care More Accessible for Older Adults

Maine’s effort draws attention to the growing discrepancy between the needs of and resources for older adults. As Colorado experiences its own demographic changes, we must face this challenge head on.

Colorado Fiscal Policy Briefed by the Bell

Briefed by the Bell — Colorado Fiscal Policy

Soon, Colorado will hit TABOR revenue caps. What does this mean for Colorado fiscal policy and what will ensure all Coloradans benefit?


The Irony of Middle Class Wages in Colorado

Coloradans in low-wage jobs are seeing pay bumps, but not enough to live a middle class lifestyle. For folks in jobs paying middle class wages, their wage gains aren't keeping up with costs.

higher education

Higher Education & Lower Public Investments

As pointed out in our Guide to Economic Mobility, the share of costs at Colorado’s public colleges and universities paid by students and families has doubled since 2000.

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