Promotional graphic for a panel discussion titled 'beyond the boom: telling the story of economic mobility in colorado'.

Highlights From Beyond the Boom: Telling the Story of Economic Mobility in Colorado

Although headlines continually boast Colorado's preeminent position as a top state economy, our Guide to Economic Mobility shows there is more to the story. To explore this further, we hosted a panel discussion with local journalists to go beyond the boom.

Child-like drawing of a family holding hands under the sun.

2018 Legislative Watch List: Colorado Two-Generation Policies

As we seek to make economic mobility for every Coloradan a reality, two-generation policies will be crucial to that mission. Here, we identify the bills being considered during the 2018 legislative session that focus on both children and parents.

FAMLI, Colorado paid leave

Testimony: Support FAMLI to Give Colorado Workers Paid Leave

Older workers take more leave than younger workers, particularly for self-care. If that leave is unpaid, which is disproportionately the case for workers with lower levels of income and education, it sets them up for economic distress just when they might be prepping for retirement.

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