
Predatory Payday Lending in Colorado

Building wealth is difficult enough, but high-cost lenders, check cashers, and pawn shops that offer predatory loans strip families of savings and make economic mobility even harder.

A middle-class street lined with parked cars and decorated with colorful hanging lanterns and flags.

Forget “Middle Class” — $63,000 for a Denver Family to Just Subsist

In 2018, we will more deeply analyze how we rebuild a diverse and thriving middle class. In a recent Denver Post op-ed, Bell President Scott Wasserman discusses why we think this is such an important mission.



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minimum wage

Testimony: Oppose HB18-1106 Allowing Employers to Negotiate Lower Minimum Wage

Many of the workers affected by the minimum wage have limited power to bargain for higher wages. Without it, they could find themselves at the mercy of much more powerful employers with deeper pockets.

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Signs advocating for the expansion and improvement of Medicaid work requirements for all displayed on a window.

Medicaid Work Requirements Aren’t Really About Work

Medicaid work requirements are designed to misdirect anger and concern about rising health costs toward vulnerable people, hoping you won’t notice that they don't fix the actual problem. 

A man in a suit with a striped tie speaking at a podium in a legislative chamber about two-generation strategies.

Two-Generation Strategies Stand Out in Governor’s State of the State

Governor Hickenlooper said, “We lifted families out of poverty with a focus on two-generation solutions," emphasizing the impact of two-generation strategies on economic mobility.


Automation in Colorado: Preparing for the Future of Work

Automation could affect a total of 1.1 million Coloradans, or 41 percent of the total workforce, as they work in occupations judged as high risk of being automated.

colorado's economy

Colorado’s Economy: Strong Yet Uneven

While Colorado's economy may be strong, uneven growth throughout the state, an uptick in low-wage jobs and industries, and continued wealth and income inequality mean not everyone is benefitting.

Protest sign reading "save the American dream, ensure economic mobility in Colorado" held aloft in a crowd.

Economic Mobility in Colorado

We can raise the economic floor, build a diverse and thriving middle class, and embrace innovation in Colorado, but we need facts and ideas to change our trajectory. This guide provides just that.

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