Four individuals smiling and engaged in a unique cooking activity around a kitchen counter with fresh vegetables.

Unlike Anything Else

Dahlia Campus gives one Denver community the two-generation approach it needs to promote mental and physical health for its residents.

Semi-truck parked on a gravel lot near rocky terrain in Colorado with a building in the background.

Will Self-Driving Cars Kill Colorado Jobs?

As more automated vehicles hit the road, what does this mean for those who drive for a living? 

A vintage illustration of a woman and a child looking alarmed at a large shadowy hand, shaped like numbers, on the wall, hinting at the presence of the Big-Number Boogeyman

Beware the Big-Number Boogeyman

Too often, Colorado’s most extreme conservatives use these oversimplified statements as if they are some kind of thunderclap in the raging debate over our state’s finances. It's a particular line of attack I call the “Big-Number Boogeyman” argument. 

health care cost relief

Beyond Statistics: How Inequity Holds Colorado Back

Inequity affects health care in ways beyond what statistics and data can show. Poor health outcomes, medical debt, insurance coverage, and so much more.

Colorado Women Equal Pay

Colorado Women & Their Families Deserve Equal Pay

If current trends continue, women in Colorado will not see equal pay until the year 2057. 

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