A word cloud themed around debt, with terms such as "student loan debt," "overdue," "mortgage," and "loan" emphasized in larger fonts.

Ready for Retirement & Still Grappling with Student Loan Debt

A growing number of retirement-age Americans are defaulting on student loans and many are falling into poverty as a result.

Three individuals at a fence, exchanging warm meals on a sunny day.

Meals on Wheels Delivers a Little Warmth & Big Results

Meals on Wheels has proven its worth for decades, saving taxpayers millions a year in nursing home costs by helping older Americans stay at home as they age.

A man in a suit speaking emphatically about the Trump Budget.

The Trump Budget: 15 Threats to Opportunity in Colorado

Trump’s proposed budget takes direct aim at many of the investments that help moderate- to low-income Coloradans get ahead and stay ahead economically.

Welcome sign at the Colorado state border, featuring a futuristic automotive design.

Opportunity Squandered

While we welcome highly educated entrepreneurs to our state, we are failing our own children and middle class workers who struggle every day to get by.

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