Cover of the 'Opportunity Handbook 2017: A Quick Guide to Economic Opportunity in Colorado' featuring a collage of diverse individuals engaged in various professions.

2017 Opportunity Handbook

In an effort to inform effort to expand opportunity in Colorado, we have compiled a report focusing on some of the important levers to economic mobility.

A diverse group of smiling students gathered in a school hallway with their teacher, standing as a bridge to opportunity.

A Bridge to Opportunity

A first-generation American, who lived as a child in Denver’s Westwood public housing projects, Randy Ho could have taken two very different roads.

colorado's middle class squeeze

Insurance & Middle Class Health Squeeze

The squeeze demands real policy solutions.

Graphic logo featuring a lightbulb and text "ideas that work - the bell policy center - the best examples bettering Colorado", with stylized icons representing thought and innovation.

Examples of Ideas That Work

Ideas that Work allows us to tell the stories of Coloradans who come together to tackle problems that can’t be solved by individuals alone.

Two people sitting side by side using a laptop and a tablet, helping Colorado adults succeed.

Helping Colorado Adults Succeed

After being the last state in the nation to dedicate state funds to adult education, Colorado now is boosting adult literacy and education.

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