A gavel resting on its sound block beside a stack of legal books related to HB16-1299 on a wooden surface.

Testimony: Oppose HB16-1299 to Lower Standards Awarding Defendant Litigation Costs in Employment Discrimination Cases

In a detailed analysis of state anti-discrimination laws that provide remedies to workers who prove workplace discrimination, the Bell Policy Center found these laws have no statistical effect on the creation of small businesses.

A person's hand operating a traditional spinning wheel to twist fiber into yarn as part of an Apprenticeship Study.

Testimony: Support HB16-1287 for Apprenticeship Study

Expanding pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship opportunities is a win-win proposition for Colorado.

Two graduates in caps and gowns, benefiting from the Middle Class College Savings Act, embracing at a graduation ceremony.

Testimony: Support Middle Class College Savings Act

Increasing the deduction for families making less than $250,000 per year will boost their current savings and provide an incentive for modest-income families to begin saving for college.

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