Search Results for: opportunity

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colorado taxes

Revenue Shortfalls: Lost Opportunity, Increased Inequity, & Future Costs

If we fail to act now, action becomes more expensive later and outcomes will be more inequitable. We still can stop this through federal action and efforts to raise revenue.

A man in a suit speaking emphatically about the Trump Budget.

The Trump Budget: 15 Threats to Opportunity in Colorado

Trump’s proposed budget takes direct aim at many of the investments that help moderate- to low-income Coloradans get ahead and stay ahead economically.

Welcome sign at the Colorado state border, featuring a futuristic automotive design.

Opportunity Squandered

While we welcome highly educated entrepreneurs to our state, we are failing our own children and middle class workers who struggle every day to get by.

Cover of the 'Opportunity Handbook 2017: A Quick Guide to Economic Opportunity in Colorado' featuring a collage of diverse individuals engaged in various professions.

2017 Opportunity Handbook

In an effort to inform effort to expand opportunity in Colorado, we have compiled a report focusing on some of the important levers to economic mobility.

A diverse group of smiling students gathered in a school hallway with their teacher, standing as a bridge to opportunity.

A Bridge to Opportunity

A first-generation American, who lived as a child in Denver’s Westwood public housing projects, Randy Ho could have taken two very different roads.

Elderly couple enjoying the economic opportunity to spend quality time outdoors with their two young grandchildren.

New Action Plan on Aging Strengthens Economic Opportunity

Colorado should act now to meet critical goals for 2030 that, if reached, will ensure the success of “older Coloradans and their families by promoting health and well-being, fostering self-sufficiency, providing livable communities, and protecting the most vulnerable populations.” 

Three construction workers silhouetted against a sunset sky, embodying workforce development in action.

Public Comment: Execution of Workforce Development Under Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act

The Bell offers five comments on the draft plan.

Report cover highlighting issues facing Colorado families in 2010 with the title 'Opportunity Lost Report'.

2010 Opportunity Lost Report

In an update to our 2004 report, Opportunity Lost: When Hard Work Isn't Enough for Colorado's Families, the Bell's 2010 study finds working poor and low-income families now fare worse on many of the same indicators examined in the previous report.

Architectural blueprints with the text "Blueprint for Opportunity - Executive Summary of Issues That Matter, Ideas That Work".

Blueprint for Opportunity: Executive Summary

Coloradans deserve a state government that will confront these challenges and help keep the American Dream alive for hardworking families.

A row of similar doors against a patterned wall with one door painted yellow, standing out from the rest, highlighted in the 2005 Opportunity Report.

2005 Opportunity Report

What is opportunity? How is it generated and sustained in the 21st century? In this 2005 iteration of "Colorado: The State of Opportunity," the Bell seeks to answer these questions and more.

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